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Symbianize Search Update - Quick Search, TS More Threads

We've updated our search engine to be faster, have better quality search result and similar content matching.
The update should also allow us now to search for 3-letter or 2-letter keywords like 5g, OS, nba, rom, etc.
List of similar threads will be shown while viewing a thread or creating a new thread.

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More Threads search link is now available when viewing a thread. Clicking the button will show the latest threads of the thread starter.
Maximum result is 500 threads. Threads from AZ and Graffiti Wall forum are excluded from the search.

Quick Search is now available in threads list. Enter keyword(s) and it will instantly show the threads with the keyword(s) in the title.
Maximum of 50 threads will be shown. Please note though that it only searches the thread titles and not the posts inside the threads
so if nothing comes up when you do a quick search, try using our advanced search located at the upper right corner of the page.

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